Moai SDK  2.0
MOAIDialogIOS Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for MOAIDialogIOS:

Function List


Detailed Description

MOAIDialogIOS.DIALOG_RESULT_POSITIVE Result code when the dialog is dismissed by pressing the positive button.
MOAIDialogIOS.DIALOG_RESULT_NEUTRAL Result code when the dialog is dismissed by pressing the neutral button.
MOAIDialogIOS.DIALOG_RESULT_NEGATIVE Result code when the dialog is dismissed by pressing the negative button.
MOAIDialogIOS.DIALOG_RESULT_CANCEL Result code when the dialog is dismissed by pressing the cancel button.

Function Documentation


Show a native dialog to the user.

function showDialog ( string title, string message, string positive, string neutral, string negative, bool cancelable [, function callback ] )

stringtitle The title of the dialog box. Can be nil.
stringmessage The message to show the user. Can be nil.
stringpositive The text for the positive response dialog button. Can be nil.
stringneutral The text for the neutral response dialog button. Can be nil.
stringnegative The text for the negative response dialog button. Can be nil.
boolcancelable Specifies whether or not the dialog is cancelable
functioncallback Optional. A function to callback when the dialog is dismissed. Default is nil.