Moai SDK  2.0
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CMOAIActionBase class for actions
 CMOAIActionTreeTree of MOAIAction objects. Formerly a singleton; not yet ready for general purpose use
 CMOAIAnimBind animation curves to nodes and provides timer controls for animation playback
 CMOAIAnimCurveImplementation of animation curve for floating point values
 CMOAIAnimCurveBasePiecewise animation function with one input (time) and one output (value). This is the base class for typed animation curves (float, quaternion, etc.)
 CMOAIAnimCurveQuatImplementation of animation curve for rotation (via quaternion) values
 CMOAIAnimCurveVecImplementation of animation curve for 3D vector values
 CMOAIAppAndroidWrapper for base application class on Android devices. Exposed to Lua via MOAIApp on all mobile platforms
 CMOAIAudioSamplerCocoaAudio sampler singleton
 CMOAIBillingAndroidWrapper for in-app purchase integration on Android devices using either Google Play or Amazon. Exposed to Lua via MOAIBilling on all mobile platforms, but API differs on iOS and Android
 CMOAIBox2DArbiterBox2D Arbiter
 CMOAIBox2DBodyBox2D body
 CMOAIBox2DDistanceJointBox2D distance joint
 CMOAIBox2DFixtureBox2D fixture
 CMOAIBox2DFrictionJointBox2D friction joint
 CMOAIBox2DGearJointBox2D gear joint
 CMOAIBox2DJointBox2D joint
 CMOAIBox2DMotorJointBox2D motor joint
 CMOAIBox2DMouseJointBox2D 'mouse' joint
 CMOAIBox2DPrismaticJointBox2D prismatic joint
 CMOAIBox2DPulleyJointBox2D pulley joint
 CMOAIBox2DRevoluteJointBox2D revolute joint
 CMOAIBox2DRopeJointBox2D rope joint
 CMOAIBox2DWeldJointBox2D weld joint
 CMOAIBox2DWheelJointBox2D wheel joint
 CMOAIBox2DWorldBox2D world
 CMOAIBrowserAndroidWrapper for access to the native web browser. Exposed to Lua via MOAIBrowser on all mobile platforms
 CMOAIButtonSensorButton sensor
 CMOAIByteStreamMOAIByteStream implements a stream with a fixed-size internal buffer
 CMOAICameraPerspective or orthographic camera
 CMOAICameraAnchor2DAttaches fitting information to a transform. Used by MOAICameraFitter2D
 CMOAICameraFitter2DAction to dynamically fit a camera transform to a set of targets given a viewport and world space constraints
 CMOAIColorColor vector with animation helper methods
 CMOAICompassSensorDevice heading sensor
 CMOAICoroutineBinds a Lua coroutine to a MOAIAction
 CMOAIDataBufferBuffer for loading and holding data. Data operations may be performed without additional penalty of marshalling buffers between Lua and C
 CMOAIDataBufferStreamMOAIDataBufferStream locks an associated MOAIDataBuffer for reading and writing
 CMOAIDeckBase class for all decks
 CMOAIDeckPropBaseBase class for props
 CMOAIDeckRemapperRemap deck indices. Most useful for controlling animated tiles in tilemaps. All indices are exposed as attributes that may be connected by setAttrLink or driven using MOAIAnim or MOAIAnimCurve
 CMOAIDialogAndroidWrapper for a simple native dialog implementation on Android devices. Exposed to Lua via MOAIDialog on all mobile platforms
 CMOAIDialogIOSWrapper for a simple native dialog implementation on iOS devices. Exposed to Lua via MOAIDialog on all mobile platforms
 CMOAIDrawSingleton for performing immediate mode drawing operations. See MOAIDrawDeck
 CMOAIDrawDeckScriptable deck objectf for immediate mode drawing with MOAIDraw
 CMOAIEaseDriverAction that applies simple ease curves to node attributes
 CMOAIEaseTypeNamespace to hold ease modes. Moai ease in/out has opposite meaning of Flash ease in/out
 CMOAIEventSourceBase class for all Lua-bound Moai objects that emit events and have an event table
 CMOAIFancyGrid"Fancy" grid which supports data for color alterations when drawing
 CMOAIFileStreamMOAIFileStream opens a system file handle for reading or writing
 CMOAIFileSystemFunctions for manipulating the file system
 CMOAIFooExample class for extending Moai using MOAILuaObject. Copy this object, rename it and add your own stuff. Just don't forget to register it with the runtime using the REGISTER_LUA_CLASS macro (see moaicore.cpp)
 CMOAIFooMgrExample singleton for extending Moai using MOAILuaObject. Copy this object, rename it and add your own stuff. Just don't forget to register it with the runtime using the REGISTER_LUA_CLASS macro (see moaicore.cpp)
 CMOAIFrameBufferMOAIFrameBuffer is responsible for drawing a list of MOAIRenderable objects. MOAIRenderable is the base class for any object that can be drawn. This includes MOAIProp and MOAIPartitionViewLayer. To use MOAIFrameBuffer pass a table of MOAIRenderable objects to setRenderTable (). The table will usually be a stack of MOAIPartitionViewLayer objects. The contents of the table will be rendered the next time a frame is drawn. Note that the table must be an array starting with index 1. Objects will be rendered counting from the base index until 'nil' is encountered. The render table may include other tables as entries. These must also be arrays indexed from 1
 CMOAIFrameBufferTextureThis is an implementation of a frame buffer that may be attached to a MOAIPartitionViewLayer for offscreen rendering. It is also a texture that may be bound and used like any other
 CMOAIGeometryWriterInterface for writing and manipulating procedural geometry. Geometry is written as vertices to a stream. Vertex layout is given by a MOAIVertexFormat. Stream cursor is reset to starting location after each write (to make writing multiple passes easier). Operations that affect every vertex of a mesh affect all vertices between the stream cursor and the end of the stream. Once all vertices have been written, stream may be converted into a mesh with an index buffer that is calculated by finding redundant vertices
 CMOAIGfxBufferBase class for MOAIVertexBuffer and MOAIIndexBuffer
 CMOAIGfxMgrInterface to the graphics singleton
 CMOAIGfxResourceBase class for graphics resources owned by OpenGL. Implements resource lifecycle including restoration from a lost graphics context (if possible)
 CMOAIGlobalEventSourceDerivation of MOAIEventSource for global Lua objects
 CMOAIGraphicsPropBaseBase class for graphics props
 CMOAIGridGrid data object. Grid cells are indexed starting and (1,1). Grid indices will wrap if out of range
 CMOAIGridPathGraphPathfinder graph adapter for MOAIGrid
 CMOAIGridPropBaseBase class for props
 CMOAIGridSpaceRepresents spatial configuration of a grid. The grid is made up of cells. Inside of each cell is a tile. The tile can be larger or smaller than the cell and also offset from the cell. By default, tiles are the same size of their cells and are no offset
 CMOAIHashWriterMOAIHashWriter may be attached to another stream for the purpose of computing a hash while writing data to the other stream
 CMOAIHashWriterCryptoMOAIHashWriterCrypto may be attached to another stream for the purpose of computing a hash while writing data to the other stream. Currently only MD5 and SHA are available
 CMOAIHttpTaskBaseObject for performing asynchronous HTTP/HTTPS tasks
 CMOAIHttpTaskNaClImplementation of MOAIHttpTask based on NaCl
 CMOAIHttpTaskNSURLImplementation of MOAIHttpTask based on libcurl
 CMOAIImageImage/bitmap class
 CMOAIImageTextureBinds an image (CPU memory) to a texture (GPU memory). Regions of the texture (or the entire texture) may be invalidated. Invalidated regions will be reloaded into GPU memory the next time the texture is bound
 CMOAIIndexBufferBuffer for vertex indices
 CMOAIInputDeviceManager class for input bindings. Has no public methods
 CMOAIInputMgrBase class for input streams and device sets
 CMOAIInstanceEventSourceDerivation of MOAIEventSource for non-global Lua objects
 CMOAIJoystickSensorAnalog and digital joystick sensor
 CMOAIKeyboardSensorHardware keyboard sensor
 CMOAIKeyCodeNamespace to hold key codes to be used with MOAIKeyboardSensor
 CMOAILocationSensorLocation services sensor
 CMOAILogMgrSingleton for managing debug log messages and log level
 CMOAILuaUtilMethods for reading and converting Lua bytecode
 CMOAIMaterialBatchThis is an indexed set of materials. A material is a shader, a texture and an optional hit mask. A material batch may be attached to a prop or a deck to change the materials used when rendering deck indices. Some decks also allow multiple material batch indicies to be specified per deck item. This is useful when rendering compound objects that need elements form multiple shaders and textures
 CMOAIMemStreamMOAIMemStream implements an in-memory stream and grows as needed. The memory stream expands on demands by allocating additional 'chunks' or memory. The chunk size may be configured by the user. Note that the chunks are not guaranteed to be contiguous in memory
 CMOAIMeshLoads a texture and renders the contents of a vertex buffer. Grid drawing not supported
 CMOAIMetaTileDeck2DThis deck renders 'metatiles' which are sampled from a tile map. The tile map is specified by the attached grid and deck. Each 'brush' defines a rectangle of tiles to draw and an offset
 CMOAIMotionSensorGravity/acceleration sensor
 CMOAIMoviePlayerAndroidWrapper for simple video playback. Exposed to Lua via MOAIMoviePlayer on all mobile platforms
 CMOAIMoviePlayerIOSWrapper for simple video playback. Exposed to Lua via MOAIMoviePlayer on all mobile platforms
 CMOAINodeBase for all attribute bearing Moai objects and dependency graph nodes
 CMOAINotificationsAndroidWrapper for push notification integration on Android devices. Exposed to Lua via MOAINotifications on all mobile platforms
 CMOAINotificationsIOSWrapper for push notification integration on iOS devices. Exposed to Lua via MOAINotifications on all mobile platforms
 CMOAIParticleCallbackPluginAllows custom particle processing via C language callbacks
 CMOAIParticleDistanceEmitterParticle emitter
 CMOAIParticleEmitterParticle emitter
 CMOAIParticleForceParticle force
 CMOAIParticlePluginAllows custom particle processing
 CMOAIParticleScriptParticle script. A particle script contains a series of operations, which can perform simple computations on values. Values can be hard-coded using packConst to create constant values, or stored in registers. There is a set of innate registers, accessed through the packReg() function, and a second set of "live" registers which allow setting values from external code using the setReg() function
 CMOAIParticleStateParticle state
 CMOAIParticleSystemParticle system
 CMOAIParticleTimedEmitterParticle emitter
 CMOAIPartitionClass for optimizing spatial queries against sets of primitives. Configure for performance; default behavior is a simple list
 CMOAIPartitionHullBase class for props
 CMOAIPartitionResultBufferClass for optimizing spatial queries against sets of primitives. Configure for performance; default behavior is a simple list
 CMOAIPartitionViewLayerScene controls class
 CMOAIPathFinderObject for maintaining pathfinding state
 CMOAIPathTerrainDeckTerrain specifications for use with pathfinding graphs. Contains indexed terrain types for graph nodes
 CMOAIPinTransform2D transform for connecting transforms across layers. Useful for HUD overlay items and map pins
 CMOAIPointerSensorPointer sensor
 CMOAIScissorRectClass for clipping props when drawing
 CMOAIScriptNodeUser scriptable dependency node. User may specify Lua callback to handle node updating as well as custom floating point attributes
 CMOAISensorBase class for sensors
 CMOAISerializerManages serialization state of Lua tables and Moai objects. The serializer will produce a Lua script that, when executed, will return the ordered list of objects added to it using the serialize () function
 CMOAIShaderThis represents the "instance" of a shader program. Its purpose is to enable sharing of a single program across multiple sets of uniform values and to expose uniform values as MOAINode attributes
 CMOAIShaderMgrShader presets
 CMOAIShaderProgramProgrammable shader class. This represents the shader program itself, which may be shared by one or more MOAIShader instances. The shader program holds the graphics resource, and the shader instances apply the (non-global) uniform values
 CMOAISimSim timing and settings class
 CMOAISpriteDeck2DDeck of lists of textured quads. UV and model space quads are specified independently and associated via pairs. Pairs are referenced by lists sequentially. There may be multiple pairs with the same UV/model quad indices if geometry is used in multiple lists
 CMOAIStaticGlyphCacheThis is the default implementation of a static glyph cache. All is does is accept an image via setImage () and create a set of textures from that image. It does not implement getImage ()
 CMOAIStreamInterface for reading/writing binary data
 CMOAIStreamAdapterMOAIStreamAdapter may be attached to another stream for the purpose of encoding/decoding and/or compressing/decompressing bytes read in that stream using a given algorithm (such as base64 or 'deflate')
 CMOAIStreamReaderThis class has been deprecated. Use MOAIStreamAdapter instead
 CMOAIStreamWriterThis class has been deprecated. Use MOAIStreamAdapter instead
 CMOAIStretchPatch2DMoai implementation of a 9-patch. Textured quad with any number of stretchable and non-stretchable 'bands.' Grid drawing not supported
 CMOAITextBundleA read-only lookup table of strings suitable for internationalization purposes. This currently wraps a loaded gettext() style MO file (see So you are going to want to generate the .mo file from one of the existing tools such as poedit or msgfmt, and then load that file using this class. Then you can lookup strings using MOAITextBundle->Lookup()
 CMOAITextStyleRepresents a style that may be applied to a text box or a section of text in a text box using a style escape
 CMOAITextureTexture class
 CMOAITextureBaseBase class for texture resources
 CMOAITileDeck2DSubdivides a single texture into uniform tiles enumerated from the texture's left top to right bottom
 CMOAITimerTimer class for driving curves and animations
 CMOAITouchSensorMultitouch sensor. Tracks up to 16 simultaneous touches
 CMOAITraceInternal debugging and hooking class
 CMOAITransformTransformation hierarchy node
 CMOAITransformBaseBase class for 2D affine transforms
 CMOAIUntzSampleBufferUncompressed WAV data held in memory. May be shared between multiple MOAIUntzSound objects
 CMOAIUntzSoundUntz sound object
 CMOAIUntzSystemUntz system singleton
 CMOAIVectorSensorGeneral purpose 3-tuple
 CMOAIVectorTesselatorConvert vector primitives into triangles
 CMOAIVertexBufferBuffer for vertices
 CMOAIVertexFormatVertex format class
 CMOAIViewportViewport object
 CMOAIWheelSensorHardware wheel sensor
 CZLContextClassBase class for Moai singletons