Moai SDK  2.0
MOAIKeyCode Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for MOAIKeyCode:

Detailed Description

MOAIKeyCode.BACKSPACE The [Backspace] key.
MOAIKeyCode.TAB The [Tab] key.
MOAIKeyCode.RETURN The [Return] key on the main keyboard or the [ENTER] key on the numeric keypad.
MOAIKeyCode.SHIFT The [Shift] key.
MOAIKeyCode.CONTROL The [Ctrl] key.
MOAIKeyCode.ALT The [Alt] key on a PC keyboard; the [Option] key on a Mac keyboard.
MOAIKeyCode.PAUSE The [Pause] key.
MOAIKeyCode.CAPS_LOCK The [Caps Lock] key.
MOAIKeyCode.ESCAPE The [Esc] key.
MOAIKeyCode.SPACE The spacebar. Most MOAIKeyboardSensor functions will accept the string " " instead of this constant.
MOAIKeyCode.PAGE_UP The [Page Up] key.
MOAIKeyCode.PAGE_DOWN The [Page Down] key.
MOAIKeyCode.END The [End] key.
MOAIKeyCode.HOME The [Home] key.
MOAIKeyCode.LEFT The left arrow key.
MOAIKeyCode.UP The up arrow key.
MOAIKeyCode.RIGHT The right arrow key.
MOAIKeyCode.DOWN The down arrow key.
MOAIKeyCode.PRINT_SCREEN The [Print Screen] key.
MOAIKeyCode.INSERT The [Insert] key.
MOAIKeyCode.DELETE The [Delete] key.
MOAIKeyCode.DIGIT_0 The [0] key one the main keyboard. Most MOAIKeyboardSensor functions will accept the string "0" instead of this constant.
MOAIKeyCode.DIGIT_1 The [1] key one the main keyboard. Most MOAIKeyboardSensor functions will accept the string "1" instead of this constant.
MOAIKeyCode.DIGIT_2 The [2] key one the main keyboard. Most MOAIKeyboardSensor functions will accept the string "2" instead of this constant.
MOAIKeyCode.DIGIT_3 The [3] key one the main keyboard. Most MOAIKeyboardSensor functions will accept the string "3" instead of this constant.
MOAIKeyCode.DIGIT_4 The [4] key one the main keyboard. Most MOAIKeyboardSensor functions will accept the string "4" instead of this constant.
MOAIKeyCode.DIGIT_5 The [5] key one the main keyboard. Most MOAIKeyboardSensor functions will accept the string "5" instead of this constant.
MOAIKeyCode.DIGIT_6 The [6] key one the main keyboard. Most MOAIKeyboardSensor functions will accept the string "6" instead of this constant.
MOAIKeyCode.DIGIT_7 The [7] key one the main keyboard. Most MOAIKeyboardSensor functions will accept the string "7" instead of this constant.
MOAIKeyCode.DIGIT_8 The [8] key one the main keyboard. Most MOAIKeyboardSensor functions will accept the string "8" instead of this constant.
MOAIKeyCode.DIGIT_9 The [9] key one the main keyboard. Most MOAIKeyboardSensor functions will accept the string "9" instead of this constant.
MOAIKeyCode.A The [A] key. Most MOAIKeyboardSensor functions will accept the string "a" instead of this constant.
MOAIKeyCode.B The [B] key. Most MOAIKeyboardSensor functions will accept the string "b" instead of this constant.
MOAIKeyCode.C The [C] key. Most MOAIKeyboardSensor functions will accept the string "c" instead of this constant.
MOAIKeyCode.D The [D] key. Most MOAIKeyboardSensor functions will accept the string "d" instead of this constant.
MOAIKeyCode.E The [E] key. Most MOAIKeyboardSensor functions will accept the string "e" instead of this constant.
MOAIKeyCode.F The [F] key. Most MOAIKeyboardSensor functions will accept the string "f" instead of this constant.
MOAIKeyCode.G The [G] key. Most MOAIKeyboardSensor functions will accept the string "g" instead of this constant.
MOAIKeyCode.H The [H] key. Most MOAIKeyboardSensor functions will accept the string "h" instead of this constant.
MOAIKeyCode.I The [I] key. Most MOAIKeyboardSensor functions will accept the string "i" instead of this constant.
MOAIKeyCode.J The [J] key. Most MOAIKeyboardSensor functions will accept the string "j" instead of this constant.
MOAIKeyCode.K The [K] key. Most MOAIKeyboardSensor functions will accept the string "k" instead of this constant.
MOAIKeyCode.L The [L] key. Most MOAIKeyboardSensor functions will accept the string "l" instead of this constant.
MOAIKeyCode.M The [M] key. Most MOAIKeyboardSensor functions will accept the string "m" instead of this constant.
MOAIKeyCode.N The [N] key. Most MOAIKeyboardSensor functions will accept the string "n" instead of this constant.
MOAIKeyCode.O The [O] key. Most MOAIKeyboardSensor functions will accept the string "o" instead of this constant.
MOAIKeyCode.P The [P] key. Most MOAIKeyboardSensor functions will accept the string "p" instead of this constant.
MOAIKeyCode.Q The [Q] key. Most MOAIKeyboardSensor functions will accept the string "q" instead of this constant.
MOAIKeyCode.R The [R] key. Most MOAIKeyboardSensor functions will accept the string "r" instead of this constant.
MOAIKeyCode.S The [S] key. Most MOAIKeyboardSensor functions will accept the string "s" instead of this constant.
MOAIKeyCode.T The [T] key. Most MOAIKeyboardSensor functions will accept the string "t" instead of this constant.
MOAIKeyCode.U The [U] key. Most MOAIKeyboardSensor functions will accept the string "u" instead of this constant.
MOAIKeyCode.V The [V] key. Most MOAIKeyboardSensor functions will accept the string "v" instead of this constant.
MOAIKeyCode.W The [W] key. Most MOAIKeyboardSensor functions will accept the string "w" instead of this constant.
MOAIKeyCode.X The [X] key. Most MOAIKeyboardSensor functions will accept the string "x" instead of this constant.
MOAIKeyCode.Y The [Y] key. Most MOAIKeyboardSensor functions will accept the string "y" instead of this constant.
MOAIKeyCode.Z The [Z] key. Most MOAIKeyboardSensor functions will accept the string "z" instead of this constant.
MOAIKeyCode.GUI The [Windows] key on a PC keyboard; the [Apple] key on a Mac keyboard.
MOAIKeyCode.APPLICATION The Windows context menu key.
MOAIKeyCode.NUM_0 The [0] key on the numeric keypad.
MOAIKeyCode.NUM_1 The [1] key on the numeric keypad.
MOAIKeyCode.NUM_2 The [2] key on the numeric keypad.
MOAIKeyCode.NUM_3 The [3] key on the numeric keypad.
MOAIKeyCode.NUM_4 The [4] key on the numeric keypad.
MOAIKeyCode.NUM_5 The [5] key on the numeric keypad.
MOAIKeyCode.NUM_6 The [6] key on the numeric keypad.
MOAIKeyCode.NUM_7 The [7] key on the numeric keypad.
MOAIKeyCode.NUM_8 The [8] key on the numeric keypad.
MOAIKeyCode.NUM_9 The [9] key on the numeric keypad.
MOAIKeyCode.NUM_MULTIPLY The [*] key on the numeric keypad.
MOAIKeyCode.NUM_PLUS The [+] key on the numeric keypad.
MOAIKeyCode.NUM_MINUS The [-] key on the numeric keypad.
MOAIKeyCode.NUM_DECIMAL The [.] key on the numeric keypad. Note that on a non-US keyboard, this key may have a different label.
MOAIKeyCode.NUM_DIVIDE The [/] key on the numeric keypad. Note that on a non-US keyboard, this key may have a different label.
MOAIKeyCode.F1 The [F1] key.
MOAIKeyCode.F2 The [F2] key.
MOAIKeyCode.F3 The [F3] key.
MOAIKeyCode.F4 The [F4] key.
MOAIKeyCode.F5 The [F5] key.
MOAIKeyCode.F6 The [F6] key.
MOAIKeyCode.F7 The [F7] key.
MOAIKeyCode.F8 The [F8] key.
MOAIKeyCode.F9 The [F9] key.
MOAIKeyCode.F10 The [F10] key.
MOAIKeyCode.F11 The [F11] key.
MOAIKeyCode.F12 The [F12] key.
MOAIKeyCode.NUM_LOCK The [Num Lock] key.
MOAIKeyCode.SCROLL_LOCK The [Scroll Lock] key.
MOAIKeyCode.OEM_1 This key has different functions depending on the keyboard layout. For instance, this is the [;] key on a US keyboard; the [Ü] key on a German keyboard; the [$] key on a French keyboard. Most MOAIKeyboardSensor functions will accept the string ";" instead of this constant.
MOAIKeyCode.OEM_PLUS This is the key that creates the "+" character. On some keyboard layouts (including US), this requires holding the [Shift] key. Most MOAIKeyboardSensor functions will accept the string "=" instead of this constant.
MOAIKeyCode.OEM_COMMA This is the key that creates the "," character. On some keyboard layouts, this requires holding the [Shift] key. Most MOAIKeyboardSensor functions will accept the string "," instead of this constant.
MOAIKeyCode.OEM_MINUS This is the key that creates the "-" character. On some keyboard layouts, this requires holding the [Shift] key. Most MOAIKeyboardSensor functions will accept the string "-" instead of this constant.
MOAIKeyCode.OEM_PERIOD This is the key that creates the "." character. On some keyboard layouts, this requires holding the [Shift] key. Most MOAIKeyboardSensor functions will accept the string "." instead of this constant.
MOAIKeyCode.OEM_2 This key has different functions depending on the keyboard layout. For instance, this is the [/] key on a US keyboard; the [#] key on a German keyboard; the [:] key on a French keyboard. Most MOAIKeyboardSensor functions will accept the string "/" instead of this constant.
MOAIKeyCode.OEM_3 This key has different functions depending on the keyboard layout. For instance, this is the [`] key on a US keyboard; the [Ö] key on a German keyboard; the [Ù] key on a French keyboard. Most MOAIKeyboardSensor functions will accept the string "`" instead of this constant.
MOAIKeyCode.OEM_4 This key has different functions depending on the keyboard layout. For instance, this is the [[] key on a US keyboard; the [ß] key on a German keyboard; the [)] key on a French keyboard. Most MOAIKeyboardSensor functions will accept the string "[" instead of this constant.
MOAIKeyCode.OEM_5 This key has different functions depending on the keyboard layout. For instance, this is the [\] key on a US keyboard; the [^] key on a German keyboard; the [*] key on a French keyboard. Most MOAIKeyboardSensor functions will accept the string "\\" instead of this constant.
MOAIKeyCode.OEM_6 This key has different functions depending on the keyboard layout. For instance, this is the []] key on a US keyboard; the [´] key on a German keyboard; the [^] key on a French keyboard. Most MOAIKeyboardSensor functions will accept the string "]" instead of this constant.
MOAIKeyCode.OEM_7 This key has different functions depending on the keyboard layout. For instance, this is the ['] key on a US keyboard; the [Ä] key on a German keyboard; the [²] key on a French keyboard. Most MOAIKeyboardSensor functions will accept the string "'" instead of this constant.
MOAIKeyCode.OEM_8 This key has different functions depending on the keyboard layout. For instance, this is the [!] key on a French keyboard.
MOAIKeyCode.OEM_102 This is either the [<] key or the [\] key on the RT 102-key keyboard.